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What is a 341 Meeting in an Orlando Bankruptcy?

When you file a bankruptcy in Orlando, your 341 meeting is scheduled almost immediately. With an experienced bankruptcy attorney, it should go smoothly and quickly.

When does the 341 meeting happen?

In the Orlando bankruptcy court, the 341 meeting is usually scheduled to take place within 45 days of the date your bankruptcy petition is filed.  Every person who files an Orlando bankruptcy is required to attend the 341 meeting in person.  The 341 meeting is not a court appearance.  In fact, no judge is present.  Rather, a 341 meeting is an appointment with the bankruptcy trustee that is assigned to your case when you file.

What happens at an Orlando bankruptcy 341 meeting?

The bankruptcy trustee appointed to you case presides over the 341 meeting.  He will first verify that you are the person that filed the bankruptcy petition by asking to see a copy of your social security card and a Florida driver’s license.  The bankruptcy trustee is also entitled to question you under oath regarding the contents of your bankruptcy petition.  If the petition has not been carefully prepared by an experienced bankruptcy attorney, the trustee may need to request additional information to determine if you are entitled to a discharge.  Poor preparation of the petition, or poor preparation for the 341 meeting, can lead to a delay in discharge, or even more serious consequences. 

To help our clients prepared for their 341 meeting, we provide a list of sample questions that the trustee may ask.  And I go with every client I represent to the 341 meeting to make sure they have someone by their side when the questions start.  In most cases, the 341 meeting is just a formality – the only face to face encounter between the individual and “the system.”  When everything is done correctly, it will be over in a matter of minutes without unexpected dismay.  But for those whose bankruptcies have not been prepared in accordance with the Federal Bankruptcy Code, and all of the many laws that effect bankruptcy, unpleasant surprises could be waiting at the 341 meeting.