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How can you make riding a motorcycle safer?

However much you love your motorcycle, you will know that you are far more vulnerable than someone locked inside the steel of a four-wheeler. 

Motorcycle manufacturers and their clothing counterparts continue to develop ways to help you stay safe on the roads. Here are some you might want to look at:

Improved braking

Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) can play a massive role in helping you stop in time and stay upright when someone jumps out in front of you or pulls across your path without looking. The insurance institute for Highway Safety found ABS reduces the chance you die by a third.

Helmet upgrades

The helmet you think looks the coolest might not be the safest. While Florida gives you the choice of whether or not to wear a lid once you hit 21, doing so massively improves safety, especially if you take full advantage of all the latest features.

Light upgrades

Brighter bulbs can make a massive difference for very little cost. Some manufacturers now build bikes with adaptive headlights or offer kits to upgrade your current system. These help you see better when rounding a corner.

Airbag clothing

These activate if you crash, providing a cushion of protection much like drivers get through the airbags that are standard in new cars

Technology can only do so much

However many advances manufacturers make, it is crucial to remember that motorcycle crashes are usually down to human error. You can ride with caution but could be helpless in the face of negligence by a driver. When this happens, be sure to get legal help to hold them responsible for your injuries.