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You Can File Bankruptcy With Your Tax Refund | Badgley Law Group

At Orlando’s Badgley Law Group, we help many clients file bankruptcy with their tax refunds. We understand that when finances are tight, using your IRS refund check to pay for bankruptcy proceedings is a simple solution. If you’re considering this route, however, beware of this disturbing trend: electronic tax scams.

These IRS phishing emails and websites might look professional, but are created by scam artists and designed to steal sensitive personal information. By posing as a financial institution, tax professional, or even the IRS, the emails solicit logins, passwords, and social security numbers to engage in identity theft. Because of these phishing scams, billions of dollars in false IRS tax returns are filed each year.

Here are some emails the IRS suggests that you watch out for (for more examples of tax scams, check out their page on the Dirty Dozen):

  • Emails from criminals posing as a person or organization you trust and/or recognize, such as a bank, credit card company, tax software provider or government agency;
  • Emails from the IRS linking to official-looking web pages that ask you to enter your personal information.

Even clicking on the links in the email can install malware on your computer or phone. If you receive a suspicious message that you suspect might be phishing for your information, report it to the IRS here. And you can always call the IRS directly to verify their communication.

As April 15th draws near, we’re your destination for filing bankruptcy in the state of Florida with your tax return. If you’re wondering about using your refund to initiate Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings, keeping your tax refund in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy judgment, or even what happens when you file for bankruptcy in Orlando, please call us today at 407.781.0420 for a free consultation with attorney Jeff Badgley. You’ll meet with him personally so that Mr. Badgley can answer your questions and start you on your path to financial freedom.