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What Should I Do If My Car Is Hit By A Semi Truck?

If you are involved in an Orlando truck accident, please know that you’re not alone: last month, four local high school students were injured after a commercial truck struck the school buses they were riding in. Unfortunately for Floridians, semi trucks clog our roads, making our state a particularly dangerous place to drive. So far in 2016, 16,037 commercial vehicles have been involved in accidents.

So what if you are involved in an accident with a truck? Orlando attorney Jeff Badgley learned about trucking accidents while previously representing large trucking companies. Now he represents the victims of these terrible accidents. Jeff offers these suggestions for protecting yourself and your family after a crash.

Keep calm, and stay in your vehicle. This tip is particularly important if you are in an accident on an interstate, freeway, or another busy street. You are safer in your vehicle than you are on the road’s shoulder, at least until the police arrive to secure the scene.

Take pictures. Record the damage to both your vehicle and the semi truck. Also take photographs of the truck’s license plate and any other identifying information, such as the various state registration numbers that are often located on a semi truck’s side doors.

Report the trucking accident to your insurance company. When you speak to your insurance company, keep your answers to their questions short and simple, providing no more information than is absolutely necessary.

Don’t speak to the truck driver’s insurance company before consulting a semi truck accident attorney. Commercial trucking insurance policies are big business, with single vehicles often insured for millions of dollars. To avoid a huge payout or a long court case, the truck insurance company will try to convince you to settle cheaply and quickly. Protect your rights by consulting with a board-certified truck accident attorney. The truck insurance company’s first offer won’t be their best one, and we can help you understand your options. Call our office today at 407.781.0420 for a free, no-obligation meeting with Jeff Badgley.