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Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Dehydration

Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Dehydration
Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Dehydration

During the early months and years, a baby’s health is more vulnerable than at any other time in their life until they reach their elderly years. Parents tend to be vigilant about protecting their infants and closely monitor their wellbeing day and night. One of the issues parents should check for regularly during infancy and throughout childhood is pediatric dehydration.

According to, “With severe dehydration, confusion and weakness will occur as the brain and other body organs receive less blood flow. Finally, coma, organ failure, and death eventually will occur if the dehydration remains untreated.”

Babies’ stomachs are very small, and children’s stomachs are of course smaller than adult stomachs, so they can’t store the amount of fluids in their bodies that adults can. While dehydration occurs less frequently in infants in the developed world than it does in third-world countries, it continues to be a concerning cause of death in the U.S.

Unfortunately, medical professionals occasionally miss the signs and symptoms of pediatric dehydration.

“Doctors are trained to recognize this common condition early in their medical education.  Unfortunately, some busy pediatricians neglect to catch this potentially fatal condition in its early stages when it is easily corrected. As a result, a child can pay the ultimate price.” says Orlando wrongful death attorney Jeff Badgley of Badgley Law Group.

Learn the signs and symptoms of pediatric dehydration so you can best care for your child.

  • If your baby has less than 6 wet diapers every 24 hours, or has dry diapers for more than 2 hours
  • If your baby cries but doesn’t produce tears
  • If your baby’s urine is a darker yellow and is more concentrated
  • If your baby’s mucous membranes are dry, such as cracked lips
  • If your baby’s skin is dry (gently press skin and see whether it leaves an impression or bounces back)
  • If your baby’s eyes or fontanel are sunken (“soft spot” on the top her head)
  • If your baby is extremely thirsty or very fussy
  • If your baby is lethargic…

Call your pediatrician and seek treatment immediately.

If your infant or child has an illness that causes fever or vomiting, or if he or she has a sore throat and resists drinking water, they are more susceptible to dehydration. If the room or outdoor weather is very warm, that can also cause your child to lose fluids rapidly.

Orlando attorney Jeff Badgley specializes in cases where delayed treatment of infant dehydration causes serious injury or death. Call today for a free consultation.