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When Oxygen Deprivation (Birth Asphyxia) Leads to Infant Death

It’s the job of doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers, to diligently monitor and treat fetal distress in a timely manner, but that doesn’t always happen. If you or someone you love has a baby who suffered serious injuries or death as a result of oxygen deprivation, also known as birth asphyxia, learn the facts and contact Orlando personal injury attorney Jeff Badgley to review your case.

How It Happens

Shortly after an infant is born, he or she normally begins to breathe on their own. There are several causes for oxygen deprivation at this point: anemia, constructed airways, umbilical cord strangulation, and other factors.

Doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers are trained to know and understand birth asphyxia.  they know how important it is to be alert for birth asphyxia in a newborn baby, because even a few minutes without oxygen can cause brain damage, autism, cerebral palsy, impaired vision, organ failure, or even death.

“I have personally seen the results of negligent medical care in the birthing process. Physicians who fail to practice according to their own professional standards should be held accountable for these disasters,” says Badgley.

What You Should Know

These are some of the signs that a newly born baby is deprived of oxygen:

  • Pale or bluish skin
  • Poor muscle tone and/or reflexes
  • Acidosis
  • Seizures
  • Amniotic fluid stained with meconium (stool)
  • Weak breathing or lack of breathing
  • Low heart rate

Who Is Responsible?

For doctors, nurses and other hospital workers, responsibility begins before the baby is even born. The hospital staff must conduct fetal monitoring during labor and delivery in order to prevent dangerous complications. Sometimes, this even begins in the doctor’s office before a hospital admission. During and after delivery, trained healthcare professionals should closely watch an infant. They should notice any signs or symptoms of birth asphyxia and must take action immediately. Newly born babies with mild or moderate oxygen deprivation often have complete recoveries, especially if they receive prompt and proper medical assistance and physical therapy.

The problem is when the signs of oxygen deprivation go unnoticed and an infant and their family pays the price, often with a lifetime of suffering and at an extraordinary price for medical care. In that case, you need an attorney who understands the details and complexity of these cases. The right attorney will help you navigate the legal system and obtain the best recovery possible.

If you believe your child or the child of someone you love has been adversely affected by negligent medical care, call Badgley Law Group today for a free consultation.