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Legal Help After Suffering Serious Burn Injuries

Burns are some of the most disfiguring and painful injuries a person can suffer. They are also one of the most difficult and expensive to treat. Our Orlando burn injury attorney may be able to help if you, or a loved one, has suffered a burn injury.

There is good news. Thanks to new, modern methods of treating these types of injuries, the disfigurement, pain and disability often associated with burn injuries are being reduced.

If you or someone you love has suffered a burn injury because of the negligent actions, then hiring an Orlando burn injury attorney is a smart move. Our team of lawyers can help you recover the financial compensation you need to reap the benefits offered by the ground-breaking treatments being introduced. Our goal is to help you have the resources to regain and maintain your quality of life to the absolute highest level possible.

At the Badgley Law Group, our experienced Florida burn injury attorney has had a great deal of success in recovering judgments and settlements for burn victims. We can help you recover from your injuries and still have a high quality of life.

Common Causes Of Burn Injuries

According to data from the American Burn Association, scald injuries from steam or hot water and exposure to fire account for over 75% of all burn-related injuries in the state.

Even though burn injuries resulting from electrocution and chemical exposure are much less common, these types are often especially severe. Almost three-quarters of all burn injuries take place inside the home and are the result of defective products, such as heaters, or faulty wiring in items such as appliances.

Outside the home, burn injuries often occur while people are on the job. Some of the most common examples include chemicals that aren’t properly labeled or electrical lines that are negligently guarded. These types of situations expose Orlando workers to a number of unnecessary hazards.

Even though workers receive some level of protection under the workers’ compensation law, in many cases the benefits available are insufficient when a severe burn has occurred.

The Impact Of Serious Burn Injuries

Minor and moderate burns may cause painful blisters, permanent scarring and put the victim at high risk for infection while they are healing. More severe burns may result in permanent nerve damage, which includes the loss of dexterity and sensation in the limbs and other parts of the body. There are some injuries that are so severe that the individual has to undergo painful skin grafts or even amputation.

Burns to the hands especially can leave a victim with a permanent disability, while burns to the legs, arms, neck or face can result in a lifetime of disfigurement.

Contact Our Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Today!

If you or a loved one are injured as a result of a chemical, electrical, heat, fire or explosion, that was a result of carelessness or negligence. Contact us, and we will help you through the process to build the information needed for a successful claim.

Call us for a free consultation at 407-686-1819.