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Badgley Law Team

Attorneys Who Know Auto Accident Law

After an accident, it is understandable that you have a lot of questions. Most people have never been through the legal process of bringing an auto accident claim.

At Badgley Law Group, we have the experience. Our attorneys have been serving Orlando and Central Florida clients for many years. We can answer your questions and help you obtain the maximum compensation available for your case. Please read the questions and answers below and let us know how we can help you.

What should I do after an automobile accident?

The most important thing to do is to seek medical attention immediately. Make sure that you’re OK physically. If possible, at the scene of the accident, get all the information you can, including pictures, contact information from witnesses, etc. Then call a lawyer to help you with your case.

Learn more about the seven things you should do after an auto accident.

How do you determine who is at fault?

Without getting too deep into Florida’s comparative negligence law, which you can learn more about in our general FAQ for personal injury, it is important to note that, generally, your compensation will be reduced to the degree to which you were also at fault in the accident.

In terms of determining fault from an accident, our lawyers cover all the possible ground. We look into the accident scene and witness testimony, utilize accident reconstruction experts when needed, look into truck drivers’ log books, subpoena phone records for evidence of distracted driving, and take any other means necessary to prove that the other driver was at fault.

What is my case worth?

With looking at the specifics of your case, there is no way to give you an accurate guess as to your case’s value. Our attorneys help clients obtain compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Property damages
  • Diminished quality of life

The driver responsible for the accident could be held liable for any financial or personal damages that you suffer as a direct result of the accident itself.

Where does the money come from?

Even if the other driver is not well situated financially, we can make sure you obtain compensation. In most cases, the compensation comes from the other driver’s insurance company. However, depending on the nature of the accident and its causes, we can explore bringing claims against the municipality overseeing the roadway, the auto manufacturer if an automobile defect caused the accident, etc. The best thing to do after an accident is talk with our experienced lawyers who will discuss with you the best strategies for finding compensation in your case.

Every car owner in Florida must have PIP insurance. It covers your injury treatment costs as well as lost wages due to the accident. It is referred to as no-fault insurance because you claim it from your insurer (as opposed to the at-fault party’s insurance company) irrespective of who caused the crash. Florida law requires all drivers to carry a personal injury protection (PIP) cover of at least $10,000.

Any More Questions? Call Us Today.

We offer free initial consultations, so you have nothing to worry about talking with our lawyers. We can answer your questions and help you. Call us at 407-686-1819 or contact us online.